Sunday, October 13, 2013

Smoking Sessions-Plastic Isn't Fantastic

After getting down 'n' dirty with the brand I thought would steal my heart, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. I can still taste the plastic and feel the sting of wasting $40.00 on the Njoy Express Rechargeable Kit and a 5 pack of cartridge refills.

Four years ago, I had my initial ecig experience with one of the original brands to make electronic cigarette kits readily available in convenience stores. I got my Njoy rechargeable kit at a 7-Eleven. Back then I was naive to the vaping world. I thought it was the norm to hear a little sizzle when I puffed and I changed the cartridges often to avoid puffing hot plastic vapor.

Fast forward to now, I'm a babe in the woods...still! I'm new to blogging and the advances made in vaping technology. I've many more hours of obsessive research, networking and shameless self promotion in my near future.

The Njoy King was first to arrive for my review of disposables. I loved it, everything except how quickly the battery died. What sold me; the taste, throat hit, nicotine concentration, cool packaging...with one drawback, they just don't last. Solution: a rechargeable Njoy!

With a case of the, "warm and fuzzies", I went to a local gas station to purchase Njoy's Rechargeable Express Kit. Surely, their rechargeables would be new and improved just like their disposables. I wanted to stay loyal to my first love, Njoy. I should have used my logic and bought a LOGIC!!

After charging the battery for a full 3 hours, I screwed in the cartridge then heard; snap, crackle, pop and that old familiar sizzle. I took a drag. I had to fight to get a good pull. I got an immediate and  horrid plastic taste. I thought I'd make sure the battery hadn't run low or the cartridge hadn't kicked. I plugged it in to charge but the battery wouldn't hold any power and the light on the USB charger light stayed a steady red as if to mock me. To top it off, the cartridges I bought had expired last month.

I ran a Google search of reviews on Njoy rechargeable kits-I was NOT alone. These rechargeables have a lousy reputation and any ecig reviewer worth their vapor should know this (must not have gotten the memo). I'll smoke an Njoy King disposable any day. I love the look, flavor and great packaging. Its definitely worthy of a Bluestar Rating©.  Njoy's rechargeable express kit (smh). The only thing "express" about this kit was the disappearance of $40 from my pocket.

-Love to bloggers, followers and ecig fans!

Blogger In The Woods

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